Aggies For Christ has a long standing tradition with mission trips. From AFCO to where we are today, AFC is known around the world.
"AFC Missions provide a great opportunity to spread the love of Christ and to build relationships with other Christians. They helped me to realize that my walk with God is one that I share with other Christians in AFC and across the world!"
-Zach Helton
"AFC Missions was easily the most challenging, yet spiritually rewarding experiences that I have been through. My time in Tanzania taught me how to love innocently, serve fearlessly and live unapologetically. As much as I know that our work has impacted those we served, the impact of this trip extends so far beyond the time I was in Tanzania." -Kelsey Harlow
"I love AFC Missions because I really felt like I got to see God's big family better than ever before. It's easy to think all of Christianity is like our American churches, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The family of Christ is filled with so many different people and cultures and they combine to really make a family. The Ukrainians we were blessed to serve are my brothers and sisters and they taught me so much about the love of Christ." -Alex Windon
"AFC Missions opened my eyes to a different culture and their view of God. Going on a trip allowed me to bond with fellow Aggies on the trip and with fellow Christians in Ukraine. I was able to see Christ working powerfully through our team, through the Church there, and through me." -Caleb LaStrapes
"AFC Missions gave me the chance to learn and grow in a new environment. Brazil just felt like home and I CANNOT WAIT to go back! You cultivate so many incredible friendships that can surpass any language or cultural barriers. Find you place to Be the Light. Que Haja Luz." -Ashley Harris
"AFC Missions is a pretty major highlight of my college career. What I loved most was being a witness. I witnessed lives where Christ is absent and the strife and turmoil they face. I witnessed true servant hearts from AFC students and our new friends in South America. I saw the poverty stricken families who have little to nothing, yet they continue to rejoice in Jesus. Most importantly, I witnessed the love of Christ. I know it's been said before, but God's love has no language barrier. No matter where we went we were encouraged, uplifted and prayed over. It was truly life changed and I am forever grateful."- Emily Dotson
"AFC Missions allow you to find yourself and go through a spiritual journey with fellow Christians. Your faith is both tested and strengthened. During a mission trip you begin to realize that the world is bigger than your backyard, your town, or even your state. Going to mission trips will open your eyes to other ways of life. You'll also grow closer to the people you serve alongside and you'll have plenty of memories to relive.
-Kaitlyn Dillingham
"I love AFC Missions because it empowered me to serve in ways I never thought I would. I created lasting friendships that hold a special place in my heart because of what we all shared together. I met people, saw places and did things I never thought I would get the chance to. My faith took on a whole new identity as I saw people who were different than me worship and love the same God that I do. My experience with AFC missions changed the way I saw my God and showed me what His love truly is for every person, regardless of language, race, or where someone is from. "
-Mac Freeman
"There are few words that do justice to explain the gift of experiencing God in a new country or culture. It often blows my mind when I think about how intimately connected with and known by God I feel because the same God that I know and love here is known and loved all over the world. AFC Missions gives you that chance to meet our Lord in ways you didn't know you needed. It leads to a unity among AFC and Jesus-followers all around the world. It has sculpted my heart into who I am today through a burden and burning desire for the world to know Jesus' name."
-Hayden Liebl
If you would like to serve with us, please send us a note under the "Contact" tab.
If you would like to support AFC Missions financially, please go to afcpay.org and click the link "AFC Summer Mission Trips"
"I enjoy going overseas to share the gospel and Jesus with God's children. It's incredible to experience how God is moving in cultures around the world. Getting to love on others brings me joy along with the encouragement I believe we receive from them and fellow AFC members." -Hadden Young, Thailand